Swimming Through the Sea of Toys

Do you have children at home with toys everywhere?  With the prevalence of child-centered marketing, there is a plethora of toys and products out there in stores everywhere.  Just as adults are attracted to new products, our children are following in our footsteps.  The consumerist need to collect and have the latest and greatest toys and products add to the growing sea of stuff in our homes.  Despite giving into our children’s desires, it seems that they are bored more than ever.

What if we did something different?  What would happen if you decreased the amount of toys in your home by half?  What if you got rid of the toys all together?  Some parents have started to experiment with taking the toys away and have found that their children have become more creative and engaged in play than before.

Do you think this would have the same effect in your home?

Bubble from Target

Talking to your children is one of the most natural things to do.  However, you never really examine the way that you talk to them and what you are saying until someone else points in out.

Yesterday I was out shopping at Target, just a normal morning errand run with my two young ones and a woman stopped me.  She said “excuse me, but I just have to say I love they way that you are talking to your kids.”  At first I was quite taken aback , but then I realized it was quite a complement.  

What she meant was that it was nice to hear someone speaking to their kids with adult language and not baby talk.  The mom went on to explain that her daughter was in the hospital and all of the nurses and doctors were “baby talking” to her.  This was frustrating her daughter and causing more stress than the situation required.

I spent the rest of the day contemplating the depth of communicating with children.  It was nice to have someone else notice the decision that my husband and I made and how it has also worked for other people.

How do you communicate with your children and others?  Would an outside perspective help you evaluate your methods?